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A Rough Road to Straight Street

A Rough Road to Straight Street

TEXAS – A woman who couldn’t read and experienced an early life of abuse, drugs, and consistent jail sentences, is delivered into a place of victory after receiving an encounter with God in jail.  She now reads, writes, worships through dance, has a flag ministry, a book underway, and a soon-to-be reality show.

Tammy Layne, a native-born Texan, and sister of four siblings, suffered from brain damage at birth due to incorrect use of forceps, leaving her with a lifelong learning disability. She was not able to read or retain any information. Then something miraculous happened! In 2010, she received a supernatural touch from God while in jail.  After her encounter with God, she was able to do everything she was not able to do before…like reading.

“I had no idea God could do this, and He did. So I never read a book in my life because I couldn’t retain things.  That all was from birth,” says Tammy Layne. “When I was born, they used forceps on me and pulled me out of my mom with those tools and messed me up really bad.  I had like this cone head, I couldn’t walk. I had to wear braces. They said that one side of my brain might be messed up from damage from the forceps.”

She was a happy child but was constantly forced to figure things out on her own, since she was not able to read and retain information.  Somehow, she remarkably completed about eleven grades.

“I always had to create my own world as far as just making things happen, like work and just life.  Just do it, work through life, and figure it out on my own.”

She lived with her mother and step-dad. Her father passed away from drowning when she was three years old. Throughout her childhood her step-dad began to abuse her sibling and her from the age of nine. At the age of 18, her mother finally caught her step-dad abusing her sibling. She moved in with her brother to find safety in Dallas. Until one day a family member, who is now an ex in-law, began to put methamphetamine inside of her Kool-Aid. This happened while she was going to school.  She began to stay up late at night, was extremely tired in the morning, and couldn’t figure out why.  She was not able to get up for school due to the exhaustion.  Within a year, she was led down the path of drugs, drug addiction, and drug dealing.

“I was selling kilos of cocaine within about a year of this happening…I didn’t even know she was putting this [methamphetamine] in my Kool-Aid.”

She was later told by the “then” family member that the methamphetamine was placed in her Kool-Aid so she could stay up, talk with her, and help clean the house.  This traumatic experience caused her to quit her first job and eventually drop out of school.  Without reluctance she began to shoot drugs and sell drugs by the brick.

“I don’t even know what a kilo of cocaine is to this day, but I used to sell it.  It was bricks of it.  Thousands and thousands of dollars.”

For many years she was “strung out” on drugs, going from shooting drugs to freebasing drugs. “Freebasing” is a slang term for smoking a specially prepared pure form of cocaine in high concentration.  She got robbed at gunpoint during this time. She was so addicted to the drugs that even while at gun point, all she could think about was grabbing her torch and pipe. She wasn’t even aware that she could get busted for selling drugs, but it happened.

“When the people robbing me busted my door down, I just remember…all I wanted to do was get my pipe and my torch at gun point at my forehead,” said Tammy. “That’s how messed up on drugs I was. I just needed my pipe and torch. They said, ‘Get in the bathroom!’ I just went in there…was smoking it, until they left.”

As time went on, in the 90’s, she eventually got better and moved away from the drugs. She had her daughter, was working at a great job, and doing well. Until everything fell apart when someone came knocking on her door with methamphetamine. She began to do drugs again. Her daughter who was almost 18, moved out. They had never been apart before. The reintroduction of meth and her daughter moving out caused Tammy to break down even more. From that point she was busted about 20 times throughout the years beginning in the 80’s.

Tammy Laynes’s Mugshots ranging from 2006 to 2011.

A year prior to what would be her last jail sentence, she went to her hairdresser. Her hairdresser was someone she used to party with, who got her life together. She said to the hairdresser, “I’m just tired…I need Him.” Her hairdresser then asked, “You need who?” Tammy answered by saying, “God?” The hairdresser was amazed and continued to cut her hair.

The hairdresser began to tell Tammy the testimony of one of her clients who was also her friend/church sister. The hairdresser shared that her friend just graduated and celebrated recovery. She was clean, sober, and God changed her life. The hairdresser asked Tammy if she would like to meet her. God set it up in such a way, that the “clean & sober” woman was scheduled for a hair appointment in the hairdresser’s books after Tammy’s hair appointment.

Tammy stayed behind and talked with the woman who experienced God’s hand by becoming sober. Their conversation at the hair salon, concluded with a circle of prayer. The woman and the hairdresser began to hold hands and pray for Tammy. She didn’t know what was happening, but she felt so light afterwards.

“That day at the hairdresser they prayed for me. A simple little prayer. Something lifted off. Man, I felt like the sunshine kept zooming in on me. I felt so light. I just spent all this money getting my hair all pretty, and it was raining outside,” said Tammy. “But it’s like the sun was up, and I don’t know, man, I go bouncing out of there, and I was like Tigger. I was so happy. In the rain, my hair…I just spent hundreds of dollars.”

After the prayer, she experienced a touch from God, but she still went into the same habits of taking drugs and getting busted. A day came when she went to see her lawyer, who also bought drugs from her. She had a long history of going in and out of jail. She was so tired of it, that she laid her head on his desk.

Tammy Layne’s list of arrests and offenses, which she uses as proof to show how God delivered her.

At the age of 45 years old, she got arrested again on June 25, 2010. Amazingly, this time it just felt right to her. There was nothing left to lose. Her daughter was gone, old habits kept happening, so she was ready for a change.

Tammy Layne“When I went to jail in 2010 that last time…it was surreal. Something was different. When I got in the police car, it just felt right like no other time before. That’s when the Lord touched my life in jail. He just did it through the bible, one-on-one. Like nobody led me to the Lord. Nobody…nothing.”

While in jail, her lawyer said she could have waited because he was just about to get her time reduced. She thought that she would be able to get out of jail like usual. She was used to her drug dealers bailing her out fast, but this time nothing was working. It seemed like the time was getting longer and longer.

At one point in her serving time, something amazing happened. She had a million dollar bond because of a hold. Her lawyer came to visit her again, and told her one of her cases was completely dismissed. He said that he had never seen a case like this. This caused Tammy to be drawn to God, even though she did not meet with God yet.

“I hadn’t met God yet, but I was feeling drawn to Him, and I didn’t know how to find Him. Somehow I just knew something was…happening. That kept me through the next year in a half of going to jail and the mental hospital.”

She went to one of the jail church services. Over 7,000 inmates were in the Lew Sterrett County Jail, in a tower located in Dallas. Not many people were able to go to the jail church services due to the large number of inmates. As she was in jail, something was happening. She would wonder to herself how she could learn about this God that everyone was talking about. During church services she heard the messages but didn’t understand them. She would also listen to C.D.’s but still did not understand the God behind the music. She thought originally that God was supposed to be in a church building. She began to wonder how she could get in touch with him.

“How am I going to learn this God everyone’s talking about if I can’t even read my daughter a child’s book and I can’t have coffee with Him?” said Tammy. “But in my heart, something was happening, like I wanted to know.”

In 2010, three months into being there, the Lord began to touch her. She tried to read the bible and didn’t understand. She was crying and went to the jail guard, who was always reading her bible. The jail guard responded by telling Tammy to ask the Holy Spirit for a revelation.

Even though she didn’t understand what that meant, she did as the jail guard suggested once she got back to her cell. She asked the Holy Spirit to give her a revelation as she was in tears. She then opened her bible, and she supernaturally saw the words, “Straight Street.”

This marked the beginning of a new journey directed by God. At the age of 45 she began to read the first book of her life…the book of Acts, right there in the jail cell. She ran and excitedly told the jail guard three times that she saw the words “straight street” in the bible.

At first the jail guard was in doubt, but after Tammy showed her, she was amazed at the sight of it. It was until after her release that Tammy realized that she received an Acts 9:10-11 Damascus Experience, the conversion of Saul to Paul. Nobody taught her how to read, it was all by the hand of God.

“I began reading the first book of my life at 45 years old myself in jail. I have my bible right here. It’s all dated and marked, and it matches all of my writings,” exclaimed Tammy with glee and excitement as she held the bible. “For a year and a half…all I did was read the Bible. I’d be like, Wow! I’m telling you. God did it! That’s why I walk around in shock all the time. It began from there for a year and a half.”

From that moment, Tammy was never the same. God began to speak to her in jail as she read the bible in 2010. By August 1, 2010, she began to journal, writing simple words to God, such as “thank you.” By the end of the month, she was writing multiple pages per day. This in itself was an astonishing occurrence.

“I was writing, ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’…It began that way,” said Tammy. “By the end of the month, I was writing 20-30 pages a day. Like, my hand, wouldn’t stop writing. I was like oh my gosh…something was just coming alive in me. Although I didn’t even understand these words in here in Acts and stuff…sometimes I would pull my hand back to see who’s hand was writing it…I had thousands of pages by the year and a half when I got out.”

God continued to speak to her as she read the bible. As this happened she continued to write by the power of the Holy Spirit. She began compiling all of her writings from journaling while in jail. Within that year in a half she had over 3,000 hand-written pages of journaling.

While serving time, she received a word from a praying inmate, who was in jail for stealing food for her family. The inmate held night prayer circles before the inmates went to bed. The praying inmate told her that God was preparing her for ministry. She told her that this ministry was for young adult entertainers, which came to pass thirteen years later, known as the Zion Dance Project.

On September 10, 2010 she received her complete spiritual awakening. She went to three different church services in jail. In one of the services, a woman anointed her head with oil and she experienced an awakening. Everything became bright to her and she received a revelation and a renewing in the Spirit.

Tammy Layne“I know I’m in jail, but it doesn’t feel like it. Well maybe this God came into jail. Maybe He’s here. Something just exploded in my heart. In that moment, everything, every struggle went away. I was in this garden in jail. I felt like a little girl. Like my purity came back. So September 10th, I started catching on to that Acts 9:10-11. It was God’s love in a moment that touched me and set me free. He wasn’t mean or demanding. It was His love and grace that did it.”

From that moment she got so happy to the point that the jail got concerned. They found her incompetent for being too happy and optimistic to be facing five to 99 years in jail.

On January 31, 2011, she was admitted into Terrell State Hospital, a psychiatric hospital in Terrell, TX, where she would remain for close to three months. She was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder, but that didn’t rob her of her joy.

“It was a vacation,” Tammy happily said. “I got to go out of the property, pick flowers. I picked flowers from all of the wards, all of the different wings where all the people were.”

The medical director at the mental hospital found her to be competent. He wrote a letter of release confirming that she is of no harm to others. She was released from the hospital on April 25, 2011.

A letter from Terrell State Hospital regarding Tammy Layne, exhibiting that she is competent and did not need medication to stand trial. Proof of God’s powerful hand in her life.

Although she had a small altercation on August 9, 2011 with a kitchen knife while in jail by which the charges were dropped, this would be the last offense.

She was released from jail on September 13, 2011, and was able to walk out on September 14, 2011. When this happened, she had a new outlook on life. She no longer had a desire to go back to the old life of drugs and drug dealing. She began to live a life for God. She helped the homeless and encouraged those who had been delivered from drug addictions.

In 20l4, she received a prophetic word at True Worshipers Global Worship Center, located in Carrollton, TX, that liberated her from past hurts in relation to the abuse she experienced from her step-dad as a child. Once she released her past hurts on the altar to God, she received the gift of dance and a spiritual impartation to worship with liberty in the Spirit. She began to dance in circles through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and this continued on for weeks. She began to dance prophetically and continues to do this within many ministries.

Now, in 2024, she is preparing to write her first book using all the writings from her years of journaling. The book will be titled, Straight Street to God which relates to her extraordinary experience with God in jail that day when He allowed her to see her first words in the bible, “Straight Street.” She also has another ministry, called Sw3ptaway By the King of Kings, a worship flag ministry that has blessed so many individuals and ministries. She is also a part of Zion Dance Project, a dance ministry for young adult entertainers.

  • Tammy dancing with the flags during worship
  • Tammy moving with the flags by the water
  • Evidence of her preparation for the Christian Reality Show “Straight Street to God”
  • Tammy on the cover of a magazine in reference to worship
  • Tammy holding the fire flags of worship
  • Tammy standing with the flags near the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
  • Tammy taking part in the Zion Dance Project
  • Tammy dancing freely in worship with the flags.

God has done great things within the life of Tammy Layne. God delivered her from a life of a learning disability, drug addition, drug dealing and abuse, and separation from her daughter and brought her into a life of victory. She now reads, writes, and dances. Instead of dealing drugs, she is dealing worship flags. She has reunited with her daughter and is enjoying their close relationship. She also just celebrated the birth of her third grandchild.

Tammy has so much to thank God for and was excited to share her story. She went from a rough road to a straight street of victory in God. God did it for her and He most certainly can do the same for others!

She is desiring to start her book, but needs financial provision to make it happen. You can make a difference by sowing into her ministry. If you want to purchase flags of worship, or if you are interested in dancing for Jesus, feel free to contact her using the following information:

Tammy holding the fire flags of worship

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Worship Flags by Tammy Layne


This is Sharlene, reporting from Horns of Heaven Global News, letting the power of Jesus be known, by sounding the Trumpet from God’s People to God’s People. It’s all about the Kingdom of God and connecting the believers of Christ through clear communication and the real life stories told around the world! GOD IS ONE AND WE ARE ONE PEOPLE! ADONAI ECHAD! ANACHNU AM ECHAD! 👑

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