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International Fellowship Unites Ministers Worldwide

International Fellowship Unites Ministers Worldwide

The Story of Bishop Dr. Erroll K. Bullen and the Birthing of the IFPC.

CALIFORNIA – Miraculous things can happen starting with a few in the most unexpected places! A bishop who hails from the San Francisco, Oakland Bay area, is supernaturally missioned with a great task and international ministry, while fellowshipping at a small downtown restaurant, on the other side of the world. Greatness can start with smallness! A fellowship of a few, transformed into a fellowship of many nations.

Bishop Dr. Erroll K. Bullen, Jr. , the founder of Deliverance Church in Oakland, CA and founder, president, and presiding bishop of the International Fellowship of Pastors and Churches (IFPC) was given the God-ordained mission to start the IFPC. This mandate took place in 2017, while fellowshipping with other ministers at a small Chinese restaurant in France.

The ministers present at the restaurant table included Bishop Bullen, Elder Churchill Selatole, from S. Africa, minister of music for the fellowship, and Pastor Aday, a minister from Church of God’s Grace (CGG), located in Saint-Denis, France. Each minister had the same color, but different cultures, with different understandings. God highlighted these differences that day in Bishop Bullen’s heart and ignited a massive vision to unite the pastors and churches of different nations by forming an international ministry, now known as the IFPC.

At this point of fellowship, Bishop Bullen got a revelation at the table in this small Chinese restaurant. He realized that there was a “great disconnect,” due to the cultural differences. He began to share with the ministers his deep thought which now has become his mission.

“We are all blacks sitting at this table, but we are from different backgrounds, and different parts of the world,” said Bishop Bullen. “The Lord showed me there could be a global connection of [black] ministers from the U.S., from Africa, from the Caribbean, and we should form an international fellowship.”

In that short meeting, he began to immediately put his hands to the plow to work on the mission. He began to mobilize and contact different pastors to be a part of this vision. One of those pastors included Apostle Jonathan Brooks, from Liberia, who previously found Bishop Bullen through Facebook. Apostle Brooks was instrumental in Bishop Bullen’s life by allowing him to make his first journey to Africa to meet people in Liberia.

Apostle Brooks and the late-Bishop Amos Bah, connected Bishop Bullen with the Archbishop “his grace” Isaac Winker of Monrovia, Liberia. He began to share his vision with the archbishop, who is a spiritual father of the nation of Liberia and archbishop of the country.

The IFPC vision & mission is as follows:

-IFPCThe Vision is to unite and connect pastors and preachers of the world. There has been a great disconnect between Africans, African Americans, and the Indigenous Communities. Bishop Dr. Errol K Bullen would like…to build an international fellowship that offers yearly conferences to train churches and leaders all over the world. The Mission is to connect all ministers of the world with a special emphasis on black ministers.

The archbishop was amazed by Bishop Bullen’s vision and asked what he was desiring. Bullen shared that he desired to be the presiding bishop of the organization and be consecrated. So Archbishop Isaac Winker honored his request. This was his first inauguration slash consecration which took place in Africa. He went home. Six months later he went back to Africa in April. By October, at the age of 32, he got enthroned by a counsel of bishops in Oakland, CA.

Bishop Bullen being enthroned, October 2022, during the Enthronement Service in Oakland, CA.

Now at the young age of 33, he sees the Lord doing much within the IFPC. The organization is now established in almost 50 countries, through the help of Bishop Dr. Uche Juliet Elue, who serves as the first Administrative Assistant overseer of Recruitment of the IFPC leaders, west Africa overseer, and Nigeria overseer. With Bishop Elue’s diligent work and tireless efforts to assist this kingdom mission, the organization has experienced massive expansion.

Bishop Dr. Uche Juliet Elue (left), Bishop Dr. Erroll K. Bullen (right)

The IFPC growth also includes states within the countries. In the US, they have Texas, Detroit, Chicago, California, to name a few. Internationally, IFPC is established in Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, Oceania, UK, and much more. The IFPC places new leaders over different countries and different regions, which are called “overseers.” As the founder, Bishop Bullen is the overseer over everything. The IFPC has grown like wild fire.

“God has just established us,” shared Bishop Bullen. “The IFPC has grown by leaps and bounds. It’s almost where we don’t have room to receive.”

Other signs of the IFPC growth is the international fellowship and yearly conferences they are hosting worldwide. Malawi, Africa, was the first place to welcome the first IFPC conference within the country, hosted by his God-brother Elder Selatole. Liberia was the second place to have a conference and establish the fellowship. The purpose of the conference is to unite pastors and preachers of the world. It is also to train pastors, churches, leadership, and teach evangelism. In addition to that, the IFPC focuses on equipping them to set up auxiliaries in ministries, and teach pastors to do real ministry in a digital world.

“Ever since I have gone two years ago to Africa. I’ve seen growth in some of the churches. Some of them have great audio systems, whereas, they were only using a phone to do live stream. Some of them have camera setups and different equipment to do broadcasts. Even with their advertisements…you see a lot more color and modernizations in the flyers that they put out. It’s just so much…we’ve been equipping, teaching, and training, and they have really got it out there.”

The training within these conferences include providing detailed handouts containing information to help enhance ministries. They also include hands-on training if the ministry is set up to do so. In addition to connecting, equipping, teaching, and training already established ministries, the IFPC has also established ministries from ground-up in locations such as Canada, Kenya, and Liberia.

The IFPC is an open organization, and holds meetings every Monday at 12:00 p.m. (PST). Each Monday involves a gathering of all the overseers to discuss various topics and promoting positive relationships between one another. As they come together they have a planned agenda, business meetings, prayer, inspirational words, messages, open panel discussions, where the leaders are loved on, accommodated, and prayed over. They also have a time for any questions and answers.

All of this is free of charge. The IFPC slogan is, “It’s not about cash, it’s about Christ.” At some point they foresee incorporating dues to continue what is necessary for the work, but as of now, there is no cost.

Bishop Bullen also has greater expectations for the IFPC in addition to what the organization is already doing. He desires to get to the point of having governmental reach.

“One of our slogans for the IFPC is United Nations & Uniting Nations. I envision the IFPC being like the United Nations of the world and government. You know how they meet together and make different decisions…that’s how I want the IFPC to be. I want every nation, every country, every creed, and every tongue to be involved with the IFPC. The community of faith… was instrumental in a lot of governmental things. I envision presidents and people coming to us for prayer, for spiritual advice, and wisdom. That’s the kind of platform I am trying to build for IFPC.”

Bishop Bullen is looking for leaders and pastors to help share their wisdom and expertise from anywhere in the world that preaches Jesus, believes in the Word of God, and believes in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to come and join this international fellowship.

Bishop Dr. Erroll K. Bullen (right) and Bishop Dr. Uche Juliet Elue (left)

Bishop Dr. Errol K. Bullen“We wanna welcome them to the fellowship. Only what we do for Christ will last. God has not forgotten about them. The International Fellowship of Pastors and Churches is open to receive whosoever will let them come in Jesus name.”

Bishop Bullen has been in ministry for close to 25 years. He began preaching at the early age of eight years old. He received his license to preach at 16 and was ordained to establish a church at the age of 21 years old. His international tendencies began from the age of youth, as he started off as a drummer for his gospel artist mother who went on international tours. He advanced to keys, piano, and then became a skillful musician. As his mother semi-retired, he carried the legacy forward.

He is now traveling the world establishing the IFPC in foreign places, making global connections with ministers and churches. February 2024 has been a particular busy time in connection with Black History Month. As president of the IFPC, he has made his way to different locations within Africa, meeting with IFPC overseers, including Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, and Liberia.

  • Bishop Bullen and Apostle Andrew Borbor, director of Freetown, Sierra Leone.
  • IFPC Sierra Leone Chapter
  • IFPC Sierra Leone Chapter
  • IFPC Leaders in the Historical office located in Monrovia, Liberia
  • IFPC Leaders in Ghana
  • IFPC Leaders

Founder of the IFPC, Bishop Bullen, and the IFPC leaders gather at Bishop Johnson’s office, the National Father of IFPC Liberia at the “historical office” of the Restoration Baptist Ministry in Monrovia, Liberia. They honor one another, discuss future plans, and also speak of the importance of God’s work in the community during Black History Month.

If you are looking to expand or enhance your ministry, looking for spiritual advancement, looking to connect with spiritual leaders worldwide, or even want prayer or encouragement on an international level, there is a solution for you to do more through the IFPC. If you are interested in connecting with the IFPC, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. Contact information below:

Email: internationalfellowshipopc@ gmail.com

Website: ekbministries.org/internationalfellowship

IFPC Website: ifpcworldwide.org.

This is Sharlene, reporting from Horns of Heaven Global News, letting the power of Jesus be known, by sounding the Trumpet from God’s People to God’s People. It’s all about the Kingdom of God and connecting the believers of Christ through clear communication and the real life stories told around the world! GOD IS ONE AND WE ARE ONE PEOPLE! ADONAI ECHAD! ANACHNU AM ECHAD! 👑

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