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Maintaining Joy through Sickness - The Testimony of Sister Verna Mannings

Maintaining Joy through Sickness - The Testimony of Sister Verna Mannings

JAMAICA – A strong woman of faith suddenly struck with affliction and prescribed with two bags of wrong medication, shares how God preserved her life, gave her strength, and maintained her joy. The secret to her strength is her dependence on God.

Verna Mannings

Verna Mannings, of Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, was doing well until one day she started to feel unbearable pain within her body. The sickness started December 2023 and continued through January 2024. She sought medical care in December to find out what was happening. She went from doctor to doctor, took several blood tests, and was prescribed various types of medication. The blood results came back fine. No fibroids were found. Until finally, they located the root of the problem. Mannings had a cyst that erupted inside her.

Even with this news, Mannings was able to smile and maintain joy. She realized the sickness was the enemy’s plan to cramp her spiritual life. With this knowledge, she made it a point to have faith and call upon the Lord for strength.

“I am a carrier of the fire of God,” proclaimed Mannings. “Although I was afflicted, it could not stop me from calling upon on the name of Jesus. It could not stop me from depending on God for my deliverance. It could not stop me from calling on God for strength.”

Mannings explained how the enemy tries to attack and come after the gifts of God’s people. She was reminded of how the enemy had to ask God for permission to touch Job. She knew God did not permit the enemy to touch her, and was aware that nothing could happen to her without God granting access first. She realizes the battle belongs to the Lord.

“It’s not what the adversary says. It’s what God says, because my destiny has to be fulfilled. My purpose cannot die,” declares Manning. “I am a carrier of the anointing. I am a servant of the Living God. My work is not finished yet. So he cannot and will not take me out. God did not give him the permission. I shall live and not die. I shall live to declare the works of the Lord. Because God has created me for service.”

After she received the results from the doctor, she was led to go to a church nearby that had a Tuesday prayer fast service, located in Spanish Town. The whole congregation at the church was on a 21-day fast. During the service, the apostle began to say she could feel Mannings pain. The apostle explained that in most cases, people would not have survived her situation, but yet Mannings did. Mannings was aware that God kept her.

She went home. The pain was so excruciatingly bad that she had to return to the emergency the following morning. The nurses began to attend to her and reviewed the medication she was taking. They discovered that the medication was incorrect and was not for the problem she had. At that moment, she realized that her situation was not normal. This was a spiritual attack.

“If I never had a relationship with Him [God], where would I be today? Look at it. Two bags of medication and they were the wrong medication,” says Mannings as she looked down in deep thought in acknowledgment of who kept her safe. “It is God. It is God.”

Even though the obstacle was present, she was confident that God had it under control. As she shares her story, the light of God brilliantly shines upon her face and her smile is stretched from ear to ear. She further went on to explain that when a ministry of God is placed within a vessel, there is always an obstacle that attempts to prevent advancement. Mannings explains that she will not allow sickness to stop her, instead she chooses to let it advance her.

“The enemy is trying to out my fire but I am destined to get to the next level,” Mannings confidently says. “My obstacle, my barrier, is sickness and infirmity, but the seed of God is planted within me and it cannot trim, it cannot come down. The mandate has to be fulfilled.”

She happily went on to say that she had great news to add. She said that while she was in a place of worship on a Saturday morning and feeling the sickness and pain, she experienced a “set up” from God. She still couldn’t sleep, sit, eat, or drink because of the pain; but God did something amazing that morning!

“I felt a revival in my spirit, that Saturday morning, and I was there just playing worship songs and worshiping God,” said Mannings. “There was God. He just visited me.”

In the midst of her loving on God through worship, her phone rang. She answered. The woman on the phone was going through a problematic situation too and was about to give up and throw in the towel. Mannings explained that she felt the anointing fall upon her and she began to minister to the woman. The woman began to rejoice! As Mannings ministered, she realized her own pain left!

“I don’t know where the pain turned that Saturday morning!” Manning excitingly stated. “But God used me in spite of my affliction!”

God is already working miracles on her behalf. When that cyst burst, she survived! Her survival was by the hand of God. We can also see through her testimony that when we worship, it opens the door to God’s miracles.

Not only that, there is something special about being selfless by putting the needs of others before our own. God honored Mannings for praying for this woman through her pain. Mannings received her healing and the woman experienced deliverance that led to rejoicing. Mannings went from pain, to no pain that day. Her healing came through her worship, servanthood, and her dependency on God. She concluded her testimony by sharing words of encouragement to the Body of Christ.

Verna Mannings“The struggle is real. We as children of God go through obstacles. When you are chosen, he [the enemy] tries to come upon you but cannot win! Make up your mind to push through the crowd. Make up your mind to touch the hem of His [God’s] garment. You will be whole!”

Verna Mannings has five siblings. Out of all siblings from her mother, she is the only one saved. She realizes that she is chosen. God uses her on the streets to minister to God’s people. She knows that she is called to be an evangelist and will one day be ordained to walk in that calling. She also has a daughter that is ministering the gospel in the Cayman Islands. There is much to be thankful for.

No matter the struggle, God is always victorious. The enemy is already defeated. Mannings made the decision to stand. It is for us as believers to stand upon Christ, the Solid Rock, who cannot be shaken. He heals. He preserves. He protects. He gives strength. He gives joy. If you are currently experiencing an attack, a test, or a trial…know that it won’t last long. As you walk through it, depend on God, He will never fail.

This is Sharlene, reporting from Horns of Heaven Global News, letting the power of Jesus be known, by sounding the Trumpet from God’s People to God’s People across the globe. It’s all about the Kingdom of God and connecting the believers of Christ through clear communication and the real life stories told around the world! ADONAI ECHAD! ANACHNU AM ECHAD! HEBREW FOR “GOD IS ONE. WE ARE ONE PEOPLE!” 👑 

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