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Commissioned to Preach Christ Globally as the Waters Cover the Sea

Commissioned to Preach Christ Globally as the Waters Cover the Sea

ZIMBABWE – A man of God commissioned to preach Christ globally as the waters covers the seas, witnesses God’s drawing power of multitudes! This happens after news spreads of the consistent miracles, healings, deliverance, and extraordinary happenings taking place in his ministry. Now he is traveling across countries and overseas spreading the gospel. Revivals are breaking out and lives are victoriously being saved.

Pastor S. Hillary, originally from Zimbabwe, S. Africa, founder of the Hour of Grace International Ministries, located in Harare, Zimbabwe shares how God uses his ministry locally and in places overseas to draw many and impact many. Hour of Grace International Ministries was founded in 2018 when God placed it in Pastor Hillary’s heart after intensive encounters with the Lord through fasting and prayer. The name of the ministry came through a revelation.

Pastor S. HillaryHour of Grace International Ministries is more than a church. It’s a revelation…a movement of God. The revelation behind the name is that it’s an hour to experience the eternal grace & eternal life of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s not limited or governed by time. It’s a moment and a zone which one has to step in by faith and experience grace.

The ministry started with a prayer group of five and exploded into many, due to news spreading of the miracles demonstrated by God in their midst. This mission went from a house in Zimbabwe to houses of God across the seas. The mandate and commission given to him from the Lord is derived from Habakkuk 2:14, to preach the gospel and the undiluted word of Christ as the waters cover the seas. Pastor S. Hillary begins to explain why he considers the ministry to be global.

Pastor S. Hillary“I am a founder of a global ministry which has a mandate to fill the whole earth [with the gospel], with the knowledge of the Word,” says Pastor S. Hillary. “My vision is not limited. It must touch every race, despite the location, despite all respective areas. When God gave me the mandate, the message He gave me was just once. To preach Christ. It must reach out to every race. There shouldn’t be any limit. God has capacitated me with enough anointing and grace to touch every race. Right now, I am seeing God doing that.”

His ministry has touched many in Zimbabwe, Botswana, and South Africa. It has expanded out of the borders of Africa, into international territories such as Pakistan and the United Kingdom. The international reach was not always that way, it began with a handful of people.

Pastor S. Hillary“They say 1,000 miles starts with one step. So, it started locally…with a group of people praying.”

November 2018 was a historical moment for the ministry, starting in a house with a prayer group of five people. It then transitioned from local to international due to the miracles happening among them. To simplify it into a few words…the ministry grew!

As Pastor S. Hillary shared his story, he began to liken his ministry to the ministry of John Wesley, an evangelist and leader of a revival movement within the Church of England in the 18th century.

John Wesley, who founded the Methodist movement.

To get a brief history on the background of John Wesley, one should know the happenings of an event that took place on Sunday, June 6, 1742. Wesley went to his hometown in Epworth, Lincolnshire after being banned from the Anglican church for his “unorthodox” evangelical methods. Crowds flocked to follow him where he preached, even to the graveyard. On this date, Wesley stood upon his father’s tombstone at the location of his family’s property, on the east side of the church to boldly proclaim the word of the Lord. It was at this unorthodox place where Wesley witnessed the gathering of a passionate congregation that came to eagerly hear him preach. It was a sight that Wesley had never beheld with his eyes before.

As Pastor S. Hillary likened his ministry expansion to Wesley’s, he made reference to one of Wesley’s famous quotes, which according to Brainy Quote.com is:

-John Wesley
Anglican Clergyman, Evangelist & Founder of the 18th century Methodist Movement.“Catch on fire and people will come for miles to see you burn.”

The quick growth of Wesley’s Ministry is Pastor Hillary’s reasoning for likening the two ministries. Hour of Grace International Ministries quickly expanded from local to global because of the power of God being made evident. Miracles, healings, and deliverance were commonly taking place among the people attending. People were throwing away crutches. People in the ICU were discharged. The news of the miracles began to spread and the people were being drawn.

“People have been coming, miracles have been happening…those miracles…those news…have been going globally,” shares Pastor S. Hillary with joy and delight. “So that’s how it began to grow.”

Pastor S. Hillary praying for the people in a Tent Revival Service held in Zimbabwe, August 2023.

Pastor S. Hillary preaching to the people in a Tent Revival Service held in Zimbabwe, August 2023.

People started hearing and flocked towards the ministry. These same signs, miracles, and wonders of God Almighty, continue to happen in other areas as God has opened the doors for his ministry to enter distant lands from the borders of Zimbabwe to across the seas.

Hour of Grace International Ministries has made sure to document and keep record of these miracles. In October 2023, the ministry was holding a lunch hour service in CBD, Capital City, Zimbabwe. A guy who was diagnosed with blindness five years prior to this date due to a spiritual attack came to the lunch service. Pastor S. Hillary prayed for him during this meeting and God healed him. The blind man was able to see. The man began to read letters and say aloud what he was reading. Over 100 witnesses were there to testify of this occurrence. After this happened, rumors and news got out about the healing testimony of this man causing more multitudes to come to the meetings.

Another woman had a growth in her stomach and was due for an operation the next day. Pastor S. Hillary prayed for the woman over the phone and was immediately healed. He stood on the scripture and declared that she would not be operated on because Jesus made her whole. She went to the doctor and the doctors could not find any growth on the scan. The growth disappeared by the hands of God!

Pastor S. Hillary began to share the positive happenings taking place locally in Zimbabwe. He mentioned that in Zimbabwe, and in Africa, on behalf of the sister countries around, people are receiving the Word of God. They know Jesus. Even in remote areas, the gospel of Jesus is being preached. People are being impacted and people are doing the impacting.

He also began to share the challenges in Zimbabwe, which are the resources to propagate the gospel, such as a lack of vehicles to do crusades, a lack of equipment, like speakers, and small instruments, such as keyboards. For instance, to move from one place to another, some pastors have to hike to get to their destinations to preach the gospel.

“For one to move from one point to another, without a personal vehicle, it becomes a challenge. You need to hike,” says Pastor S. Hillary. “If you see a pastor hiking to go and preach the gospel to a certain place, that tells you that person is passionate, but probably lacking the resources.”

Other resources that are lacking in Zimbabwe are Bibles and books. Pastor Hillary then speaks of an organization that gives Bibles to Africa for free, known as Gideon, which has helped greatly with this problem. He said some of the pastors are privileged to be connected to this ministry from America and the UK from overseas. Even so, many ministries don’t have these connections which leads to the limitations of spreading the gospel effectively.

“Even some materials like books and bibles, we don’t have those things here. It is difficult for a pastor to approach a congregation without a bible, without Godly material,” says Pastor S. Hillary. “In Africa, we are 100% spiritual. What if we have some brothers overseas that are kingdom minded…and they come and partner with us to preach the gospel?”

He believes that we must share the burden for the things of God. Since God is showing him the needs of the land, he wants to be a catalyst to help make a difference in his area. He wants to be a pacesetter, a front liner, and a voice for others who can’t speak for themselves. He has a lot of projects that he wants to do locally. However, these projects have stagnated. He explains that one can have the anointing to win the lost and preach the gospel, but it can be limited due to a lack of resources.

“When a vision lacks provision, that vision becomes limited,” says Pastor S. Hillary. “We are a third world country here in Africa. From simple statistics, we might be facing some economic hardships. Those things can affect even the church itself or even the Body of Christ at large.”

The cry of his heart is to get connected with a proper channel, so he can do his part to assist the community. He knows it is possible through prayer and through avenues that have the resources to help advance the Kingdom. He mentioned that if he has brothers overseas who are Kingdom-minded, he can partner with them to help preach the gospel.

He is scheduled to minister in Pakistan, with a gathering of over 10,000 souls, but they need to raise the funds to get it. He believes that if they have great connections, and can get the proper channels, the gospel can be preached without limitations. God has placed it in his heart to be a voice for others and as a man of God to help his area locally, but he desires to have destiny helpers.

His biggest goal is to depopulate hell and to populate heaven. How? By holding crusades. He knows that he is called to win lost souls. He believes that healing crusades is a mandate.

Pastor S. Hillary“Through the healings, prophetic, and deliverance many people will come and will want to see it is true. We live in a catastrophic world where people are not believing that God can heal and deliver because of gimmicks that has been happening in the Body of Christ in particular; but there is still a God in heaven that can heal. Healing is true. Deliverance is true.”

Pastor S. Hillary praying for a woman during a Tent Revival.

Miracles, healings, and deliverance are indeed true. These are all signs that God is still moving in places across the globe, particularly in crusades all over the world, such as Pastor S. Hillary’s. News is spreading and more people are flocking to see that God is really moving; the gospel is being spread through nations and across the seas.

It is also important for us as the Body of Christ to be aware of the needs of some of those who are spreading the gospel, such as a lack of resources in some places like Zimbabwe as Pastor S. Hillary has shared. It is for us to rise up to the occasion as a Body, as brothers and sisters, to sow into these ministries so there will be no limitations.

To connect with Pastor S. Hillary, to help him help others and possibly help brainstorm of how to assist the churches and communities in Zimbabwe, please contact him using the information below:

Contact: 263 785 272 644

Email: [email protected]

This is Sharlene, reporting from Horns of Heaven Global News, letting the power of Jesus be known, by sounding the Trumpet from God’s People to God’s People. It’s all about the Kingdom of God and connecting the believers of Christ through clear communication and the real life stories told around the world! GOD IS ONE AND WE ARE ONE PEOPLE! ADONAI ECHAD! ANACHNU AM ECHAD! 👑


Brainy Quote. “John Wesley Quotes.” Accessed February 27, 2024. https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/john-wesley-quotes.”

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